Frequently asked questions.
What does my tuition include?
It includes one 30-minute (often 35 minute) class once a week for 10 weeks. Tuition also includes use of my personal music literature library before and after class. A reading nook is set-up for parent-child time just outside the classroom.
Having years of experience, other resources for song materials are used, not just the music presented on the CD. I am able to site other song recordings, literature, and instrumental music that augments class song and rhyme materials.
Is there a registration fee?
Registration fee is $45.00 for Musical Babies and Musical Beginnings class (offered fall 2024). This fee includes the materials (CD and music download, book and instrument) and shipping in addition to the registration process.
What is on the CD? What is the book like? What instrument do we receive?
The CD is professionally produced by recording artists and includes child-like song arrangements in which real instruments and child voices are used (not just synthesized music). There are song and pitch matching segments, animal sound recordings, classical and world music segments, and music that highlights loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low, crescendo/decrescendo, and other musical concepts.
The book is lovely with beautiful artwork, and songs are notated (written out with notes) for home use. All the words and verses are listed in the book. This is intended to be used during travel, at playtime, and before bedtime. Each semester an instrument (bell, egg, sticks, shaker) or scarf is given with the packet.
What makes up the class content?
Caregiver sits on the circle and participates fully with child there and with traveling movement activities
Classes are Montessori-based, and are non-performance based. The child is encouraged to observe and participate when they are ready
Classes are filled with musical and developmental information encouraging parents about music concepts: melody, harmony, rhythm, sounds of instruments and ensembles, & how they make us feel
A variety of music and movement activities includes focus on small & large motor skills, rhymes, fingerplays, and songs with repeating refrains
Songs that are in Major and minor modes, as well as duple and triple meters
Song content includes lullabies, call & response songs, story songs, and songs with important and significant command words. *Example: Walk and Stop, I hear you/you hear me, Listen to the Bells
Movement includes free dance, partner dance, circle dances, and dances with repetitive simple steps
Use of equipment includes scarves, balls, hula-hoops, streamers, fabric, banners, and puppets
Classroom Instruments includes sets of 10 in. Remo drums, bell jingles, rhythm sticks, and shaker eggs, as well as collections drums, bells, and auxiliary percussion from around the world (huge floor drum, African drums, shekere, djembe, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, bongos)
Accompanimental instruments include piano, lap dulcimer, autoharp
Focused listening is part of class. At specified times, the child is invited to listen only, and not blurt out first thoughts. The sounds include animals, sounds from the busy world, vehicles, and instruments
Are classes age-specific?
Musical Babies is for infants up through 16 months, including lap babies, crawlers, pre-walkers, and walkers. This encompasses a very wide range of behaviors, including vocalizations. Learning to listen takes time, and teacher/parent encourage listening as part of class. The teacher supports the parent and gives ideas for success (like standing during rocking, or a specific movement). Occasionally the child may need to be taken out for one minute to become calm if overstimulated.
Musical Beginnings is for ages 1 ½-3 ½, all walkers. A young 1 ½ year old may stand in the middle of the circle and watch what is going on, and an older 3 ½ year will want to do all the activities by themselves, without help from a parent. Careful attention is given to the movement abilities of the older children so that the little ones are not knocked down. With parent and teacher providing guidance, this works.
Why not a wide range of mixed ages? It is not appropriate for older school aged children to add into the classroom on a regular basis. Older children often quickly take over classes with ability level, making the younger child feel out of their comfort zone. Very occasionally an older sibling may accompany, but with guidance from the parent. We want the enrolled children to be the focus of the age-appropriate registered class in a calm, structured environment.
What is the parent/caregiver’s role in class?
A parent or caregiver’s role is to encourage the child to participate at their own time in their own way, and to model bevaviors such as tapping, clapping, drumming, waving, etc. The parent wants to demonstrate so the child will want to participate, too. Your child will love music because you do, and joyfully singing at home and outside of class will encourage your child to sing and move also.
It is hoped that all parents use their voice for singing to add energy and fullness to the class. The teacher does not want to sing alone during class!
Do I have to have musical experience to bring my child to classes?
No! Many parents who have not been raised with singing and music want to give their child experiences they did not have. Enthusiasm for activities and singing along, whatever your skill level, is appreciated!
“If you sing, your child will sing”.
“If you dance, your child will dance”.
“If you play games, your child will play games”.
The parent singer may or may not have experience in a music class situation, but will be welcomed and encouraged. It is delightful to see parents enjoying their first musical experience along with their children.
What equipment is used as part of the class?
We use so many fun things as part of class! They include hula hoops, scarves, streamers, balls, puppets, stuffed animals, and other equipment.
Is it ok to bring another parent/grandparent?
Relatives are always welcome to visit, as long as you check with me first. I always want to make sure there are enough equipment pieces for each participant to have. Sometimes I will space out visitors over several weeks so we have enough room, so it’s helpful to know ahead of time who is coming. I have had four generations before at class!
What are the teacher’s music credentials?
Bachelor’s in Music Performance, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
Master of Music, organ and choral performance, Westminster Choir College, Princeton, NJ
Kodaly certification, Levels 1 and 2, James Madison University and George Mason University
Children’s Choir certification, Westminster Choir College, Princeton, NJ
Musikgarten training, all levels: Babies, Toddlers, 2 ½-5, Around the World (5-6), Piano Partners (ages 6-8), NC
Any Honors and awards?
Exemplary award, 5 times, from national Musikgarten Company, 2014-2023
Selected panelist, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, D.C., 2013
Artist-in-Residence Award, Eastern Mennonite University, 2002
Governor’s School awards, 1998 & 2000