Young Artists Music Studio
Ages 0 – 5
Our Musical Babies, Musical Beginnings, and Growing with Music classes provide top-notch music education that is fun and not performance based.

Seasonal themes
Each program consists of its own natural theme, so that your child has something new to anticipate with each coming class.
Work on your own
You’ll be able to use free time in the car and at home with supplies from class and CDs/online music to reinforce learning in a fun and easy way.
Hands-on activities
Our music activities are designed to keep your child engaged, whether it’s learning how to keep rhythm with instruments or matching pitch to folk songs about the seasons.
Musical Babies
Ages 0-16 months & caregiver
Each child and caregiver experience the beginnings of joyful, independent music making. Observation and participation are the child's way of first learning. This class focuses on the cognitive, social, and emotional development that begins in the newborn's first days and months of life. The instructor and caregiver join together in stimulating their baby's growth through singing and bouncing, joyful play, and dancing.
Growing with Music
Ages 3.5 - 5 & caregiver
The child becomes more independent in singing and moving, and parents take the cues from the child. Beginning ensemble work, partner songs with movement, working with listening cards, and songs with directions challenge the child to listen, sing, dance, and act.
A craft is assigned every week for home enjoyment often incorporating nature and the environment. The home CD/music, book, and listening cards are fun activities to do at home with the family! Many and varied instruments are used in this class as well. A bird lesson, including hearing bird calls, is studied every other week.
Musical Beginnings
Ages 1.5 - 3.5 & caregiver
Song activities include dancing with scarves, rolling balls, partner games, dancing and singing with hula hoops, playing instruments (sticks, bells, shaker eggs, drums), and gentle rocking. A home CD and code link of the semester's songs and activities assists families in the continuation of class content at home.
Additional songs and activities from Julia's many outside training through Kindermusik, Kodaly levels 1 & 2, and many years of teaching and observing are used that enhance and bring alive songs through fingerplays, motions to songs, dances, and activities. Julia's strong singing voice leads the parents and children from the first day in singing and feeling comfortable with the group.
There are four separate curricula for the Musical Beginnings classes.